Punch Sam Miss Kitty Kirby


Here's what some happy pet portrait customers have to say:

Cheeky Graphite Dog Portrait of Cheeky


Beautiful! Thank you so much - expect more requests from me! Take care.

Andrea • Bel Air, MD

Graphite Dog Portrait of Beaudry

Beaudry Dawn,

YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!! That is such a wonderful drawing! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The address is correct - I cannot WAIT to receive it!


I have shown the photo around to some friends at work and they ALL want to send some work you're way. If its alright with you I will give out your email address to them - just let me know!

Cat • Bishop, CA

Pastel Dog Portrait of Lady, Boomer, Sluggo, Sultan, and Digger

Lady, Boomer, Sluggo, Sultan, and Digger Dawn,

Thank you again for the most beautiful painting. This will be the most beautiful thing I own. I'm not much into material things, but this is amazing. Your talent is unbelievable. I would love to watch you paint. I have referred one person to you already. Good luck!

Aileen • Bridgton, ME