Punch Sam Miss Kitty Kirby

Pricing Information

The rates below are a guideline, as prices may vary depending on the specifics of each portrait, particularly when scenic backgrounds are involved. All prices are in US dollars, and do not include shipping charges.

The prices below include a number of standard sizes, but I can make the portrait any dimensions you prefer. Just fill out the Online Order Form, and I will send you a quote for the size you would like. For more information on ordering, payment, photographs, or time to completion, please see the Ordering Information page.

Any number and combination of animals can be portrayed, although you will need to go to a larger size if you wish to have many animals in one portrait. I can combine different pets from different photos into the same portrait. Please give me your requirements, and I will be happy to give you a quote.

I offer pet portraits in the following media:

Graphite Pet Portrait

Portrait Size Head Only Full Body
One Subject Each Additional Subject One Subject Each Additional Subject Scenic Background
8" x 10" $50 -- -- -- $25 - $50
11" x 14" $75 $40 $100 $50 $40 - $75
14" x 18" $100 $50 $130 $65 $50 - $100
16" x 20" $115 $60 $150 $75 $60 - $115
18" x 24" $135 $70 $175 $85 $70 - $135
22" x 28" $160 $80 $205 $100 $80 - $160

Pastel Pet Portrait

Portrait Size Head Only Full Body
One Subject Each Additional Subject One Subject Each Additional Subject Scenic Background
8" x 10" $65 -- -- -- $30 - $65
11" x 14" $100 $50 $135 $70 $50 - $100
14" x 18" $135 $70 $175 $85 $70 - $135
16" x 20" $155 $80 $200 $100 $80 - $155
18" x 24" $180 $90 $230 $115 $90 - $180
22" x 28" $215 $105 $275 $140 $105 - $215

Watercolor Pet Portrait

Portrait Size Head Only Full Body
One Subject Each Additional Subject One Subject Each Additional Subject Scenic Background
8" x 10" $85 -- -- -- $40 - $85
11" x 14" $125 $65 $170 $85 $65 - $125
14" x 18" $170 $85 $215 $105 $85 - $170
16" x 20" $195 $95 $250 $125 $95 - $195
18" x 24" $225 $110 $295 $140 $110 - $225
22" x 28" $270 $135 $340 $170 $135 - $270

Acrylic Pet Portrait

Portrait Size Head Only Full Body Canvas Board Stretched Canvas
One Subject Each Additional Subject One Subject Each Additional Subject Scenic Background
8" x 10" $100 -- -- -- $50 - $100 $10 $20
11" x 14" $150 $75 $200 $100 $75 - $150 $15 $30
14" x 18" $200 $100 $260 $130 $100 - $200 $20 $40
16" x 20" $230 $115 $300 $150 $115 - $230 $25 $50
18" x 24" $270 $135 $350 $175 $135 - $270 $30 $60
22" x 28" $320 $160 $410 $205 $160 - $320 $35 $70

Shipping Charges

Portrait Size Shipping Cost
8" x 10" $12
11" x 14" $13
14" x 18" $14
16" x 20" $15
18" x 24" $15
22" x 28" $16

All pet portraits are shipped by UPS or the USPS, packed flat in a sturdy box. To avoid problems with broken glass, portraits are shipped without a frame or mat. This table applies only to portraits shipped within North America. After I have shipped your portrait to you, I will send you an e-mail with the tracking number which you can use to track the progress of your portrait with UPS or the USPS. If your portrait is a custom size, you may use this chart as a guideline to get a rough idea of the shipping costs, but I will provide you with the actual number when I give you the quote for your portrait.