Punch Sam Miss Kitty Kirby

Gift Certificates

Want to give someone special a portrait of their beloved pet as a gift, but don't have any photos of the pet? Want to avoid the akwardness of asking for photos of their pet? A Warm Fuzzies Pet Portraits Gift Certificate is the answer for you!

Gift certificates may be purchased in one of two ways:

Sample gift certificate
  • By Type - This option allows you to select a specific type of portrait to give (for instance One Pet, Head Only, 11"x 14", in Pastels), which will still allow you to keep the monetary amount a surprise from the recipient.

  • By Value - This option allows you to select the specific amount to give for the portrait, which lets the recipient to pick any combination of size and number of pets they like within the constraints of the certificate amount.

Gift certificates can be delivered to you via e-mail for you to print out yourself, or via regular postal mail, already printed for you and ready to be given. Please fill out the form below, and I will send you your gift certificate after receipt of payment. All fields are required unless otherwise specified.

Type of Certificate:

(Specify portrait details)
# Pets:
  Portrait Type:
  Portrait Size:
  Portrait Medium:
Note: The 8" x 10" size is big enough for one pet, head only.

(Specify amount)
$ (USD)

Your Name:
Your E-mail:
Recipient's Name:
Delivery Method:

Please complete the following only if your chosen delivery method is Postal Mail:
Delivery Address:
State:   Zip:

Type of pet(s) in this portrait:
Delivery location for the final portrait:

(City & State; Country if not in U.S.)
Date receipt is required by: (Optional)
Any additional comments or instructions: (Optional)